Monday, October 21, 2024
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Rescue Pets Happy Endings!

Many of the rescue animals / rescue pets featured below have been adopted from multi-species Animal Rescue Centres as well as dedicated dog rescues and cat rescues. In particular the dogs highlight the sheer variety of breeds, which include breed rescues / pedigree dogs, that can be adopted.

If you would like to rehome a pet, please look at our Find A Pet  page which can feature animals of multiple species and sizes “from Hamsters to Horses” and animal / pet availability automatically updates once every 24 hours.

Find your local rescue home on our Find A Charity/Shop page.


PD Stella the Staffie: Rescue dog to Police Dog

Stella the Staffie was found wandering the streets after being abandoned in Taunton, Somerset in 2013 and was taken in by West Hatch RSPCA in Taunton. She is not a typical search dog due to her breed, but was taken on by police when they were told about her talent for seeking out hidden tennis balls. Stella has now been working as a Drugs, Cash, Ammunition and Firearms Detection dog with Gloucestershire Police for three years as part of the Tri-Force Dog Section with her handler PC Claire Todd. Stella completed the normal 6 week course in just 4 weeks demonstrating just how fantastic she is at searching. In 2015 Stella located £25,000 in cash on a joint job with Gloucestershire Trading Standards.

Due to being an unusual breed to be used as a police dog Stella made the local paper with her find. This soon spread to the Mirror national newspaper. On October 21st 2015 Stella won the Service Dog Of The Year Animal Hero Award in London. It was an amazing achievement for a Staffie rescue dog. The next morning Stella & Claire appeared on the TV Show Good Morning Britain. She also went on to appear live on BBC Points West & ITV West Country news. Stella also appeared on the TV Programme the Dog Rescuers on Channel 5 with Alan Davis. In 2016 Stella was invited back to be a guest judge at the Animal Hero Awards in London. She also joined the East Anglian Staffordshire Bull Terrier Display team at Dog Fest in Windsor Park meeting Noel Fitzpatrick the Super Vet. This year Stella again joined the East Anglian Staffordshire Bull Terrier display team at Crufts in the main display area showing how she searches and finds cash. Stella has her own Facebook and Twitter accounts. You can follow her on Facebook by searching for Police Dog Stella the Staffie and on twitter @PdStellaGlosPol

Stella and her handler Claire continue to show how amazing Staffordshire Bull Terriers are and with good training make excellent search dogs.



On 24 August 2012 I rehomed Jack from Border Terrier Welfare. He was 13 months old.

I took on the role of dog ownership seriously and researched the breed thoroughly before deciding which was best for me. I ensured I lived in a place suitable for Jack and took him training, not only giving Jack life skills but also helping to socialise and exercise him. Once a years hard training was behind us Jack had turned many corners, and become the dog he is today.

Jack is now super sociable and loves nothing more than zooming round with his fellow Border Terrier pals #BTPOSSE that we met via Twitter and meet up with on the beach etc! I love this little boy, not because of what he does but because he is who he is, he’s full of character, full of life and a wonderful wonderful companion.

Rosie, Charlie and Louie

Rosie, Charlie and Louis

Hello, We are Rosie, Charlie and Louis. We are all chihuahua mixed breed dogs and have been re-homed from Leicester Animal Aid and East Midlands Dog Rescue

We all came from different backgrounds; our Mum and dad got Rosie first after they lost their 15 year old Westie, Daisy. They got Charlie as a companion for Rosie and a few months later the rescue centre rang them as they knew there was a good home waiting here for Louis, who was a stray dog. We are a proper little pack now and love each other very much. As well as Mum and Dad, we live with our cat brother Jack and two rescued rabbits. Jack follows us on our walks and thinks he is a dog!!! We go away for lots of holidays in the caravan Mum and Dad got specially so we never have to go in a kennel again. Louis even has his own Twitter account @LouisMac9 where we share our adventures. We love our life now and just want to say look in the rescue centres; there are so many animals waiting for their happy ending.



Max is a 5 year old greyhound who was adopted from the Blue Cross Thirsk in September 2014. They knew very little of his history, just that he had been a racer. Because he was a racer we were able to trace his pedigree and race history very easily through his ear tattoos. He was quite an athlete in his time! He settled into the house very quickly. He is full of energy and very naughty. His long legs mean he can reach just about anywhere, so the kitchen bin, all food on kitchen counters and anything remotely edible had to be moved. We even had to put a security chain on the utility room to stop him raiding the dog food and treats.

Max is very cheeky and naughty but in many ways a typical greyhound. He loves comfort and usually spends most of the day sprawled out across one of our beds. In the evenings you will usually find him upside down in his bed wearing his doggy PJs! He can go from fast asleep to bounding round the garden in a split second but despite this, he doesn't actually need much walking, we usually do around 40 min a day. He is incredibly affectionate, loves cuddles and loves his toys. He doesn't bark much (except when a cat goes past) and he doesn't really shed fur so in many ways he's an ideal pet. Being black and being a greyhound, he's the sort of dog that gets overlooked in rescue centres way too often - we are very glad we didn't do the same!



My name is Athena and I was adopted from Wood Green in July 2011 by my wonderful mum Marie. I was only 10 weeks old at the time. I had been abandoned in someone's garden and felt so sad and scared. What was I going to do? But soon my luck changed and I was taken to Wood Green's North London centre. Thanks to the staff there I was soon feeling better. I was told that a new mum or dad would come and get me soon. As soon as I saw Marie I knew she was going to be my new mum. I sniffed her finger and felt the warm love and kindness from her heart. She loves animals, especially cats. And she loves me more than anyone. And I love her. We are so happy together. I follow her around the house and am always by her side while she works at the computer. She takes photos of me too and we post them on my blog. I like posing for photos. I am such a beautiful cat and goddess, and everyone compliments me on my big green eyes and striking tabby markings. When Mum is sad I stay close to her and sleep with her. My healing purrs help her feel better. She makes me feel better too and I love sitting on her lap, gazing up at her with love as she strokes and pets me. She looks deep into my eyes and tells me she loves me. We play fun games together too. My favourite is chasing the red dot around the room.

Please adopt a pet. There are so many sad and lonely animals that would love a nice loving forever home too. Thank you Wood Green and thank you Mum.

Bella and Chico

Bella and Chico

Hi, we are Bella and Chico. We were being loved and cared for by North Clwyd Animal Rescue until our new forever Mum visited the centre. She works for an animal healthcare company and they are one of her clients. Mum calls us double trouble but never a day goes by when we don't make everyone that sees us laugh or smile. We live with a Yorkshire Terrier cross who is like a big sister to us. We go to work with Mum a lot of the time and we get lots of cuddles. We even went to Pupaid on Primrose Hill in September 2014 and had a great day out and met up with Pet Adoption UK there who Mum knows very well indeed. The great thing is, we are together in our new home and Mum says we wrap everyone around our little paws (whatever that means!)

Bella and Chico's Mum says "I was not particularly looking for another dog but knew that if, and when, I did adopt another one, I would want a confident, outgoing dog that could come to work with me and meet lots of people and animals without feeling overwhelmed. I adopted Bella and Chico who needed a home together and they have proved to be adorable. They have even given my 10 year old Yorkie cross a new lease of life! She does think they are a bit strange when they do things like bark at the TV when animals appear or look bewildered when they see a “dog” (squirrels) climbing a tree. The decision to adopt two dogs was not taken lightly but has proved to be the perfect one for all of us. Bella and Chico are in their forever homes and we could not imagine life without them."

Doris Doris


Hello, my name is Doris and I'm a Greyhound/Deerhound cross born in Ireland in October 2009. I'm not sure on details, as I was only a puppy, but my Mum and my six siblings were bought over to RSPCA Sussex, Brighton and East Grinstead. When I was four months old a nice couple came to the kennels, I grinned at them both and they took me to my new home after the adoption procedures had been followed. I was named Doris after my new Mums Grandma and given a new bed and lots of toys. I suffered a lot with anxiety in the beginning but my new family were calm and patient with me and I am now a very happy and chilled pooch. I still live in Brighton and love playing on the beach as you can see in my photo! My hobbies include tennis balls, cheese, swimming in ponds and, of course, running. I also work as a therapy dog for Sussex Caring Pets and I am wearing my coat in my other picture, I also help Sussex Pet Rescue with their fundraising. I just love the attention!



Hello there, I’m Watson, nice to meet you! My original Dad had a lot of cats like me but he just couldn’t afford to look after us all. The next thing I knew, I was with those kind folk at the RSPCA, Frankley, Birmingham, looking for a new Mum and Dad. One Saturday a really nice young couple came to the RSPCA to find a cat to introduce to their new home. As soon as I saw them I knew they were the ones, so I put on my best show. I knew the lady was the soft one, so I made sure that I gave her loads of attention, purring lots and rubbing up against her. It worked! Sure enough, the next thing I know, they are back and taking me home with them. I won’t lie, I was a little nervous about moving house, again, and for the first couple of weeks took every opportunity to find little hiding places in the house where I could keep to myself. I think I gave Mum a few scares, thinking I had run away! I have now been with Mum and Dad since October 2014 and now have the rule of the house. I couldn’t be happier! I have got my own sofa to lounge on and Dad quite often comes up to bed to find me asleep on his side of the bed (he claims I am warming the bed for him, I know better). I also have a lovely garden with lots of trees to climb and plants for me to hide in. Mum and Dad also love that I act as their morning alarm clock, purring outside their bedroom door at 6 every morning waiting for my breakfast. I am so glad that we have managed to find each other and that I have found such a lovely home to be part of.



I’m Isla a Tibetan Terrier adopted in October 2013 from Tibetan Terrier Owners Club Rescue when I was about 2-2.5 years old. I needed a very special home indeed as I have a heart murmur and a hole in my heart. They contacted Mum as they know her very well indeed (I’m the fourth TT the family has had). She came “just to look” but everyone knew what that meant! She had already spoken to her VET about my condition. At my last check-up they were really pleased – I am not on any medication. From the moment I got home there was a routine established for me including my regular morning and evening walks. My favourite Saturday walk is to the allotments and, as I am lucky enough to live in the Cotswolds, I go to Bourton on the Water regularly and this is where my picture is taken - I was watching a westie running along to say woof hello to me! I also love going to my local dog spa and wag my tail when I get there, I am not a show dog so we keep my hair short as it is far more practical. They said at Christmas that I was such a different little girl to when they first met me. It was my second family Christmas and everyone agreed it was the point where I really knew that “this was it”, Grandad says I’ve changed beyond recognition – I’m so confident now and my inquisitive personality really shines through. My favourite toys are those I can chew like my giant keys on a ring, and love nothing better after dinner to run to my toy box, take them all out and choose one to play with!

Lucy and Jack


Hello, I'm Lucy and I’m a Westie! The year 2013 was a year of sadness and new beginnings for me as I was only four years old when my Mum died and I suddenly had to find a new home. Her children continued to look after me very well indeed but knew that they could not do so forever. They asked my vets if they knew of anyone who might like me, as they wanted to make sure I went to a lovely home. One day there was a knock on the door and there stood a man who asked if I'd like to go for a walk with him and one of the children came with us - I thought he was quite nice and he obviously liked me! The next time we met he had a lady with him and another white fluffy dog who looked just like me and guess what – he went to the same vets as I did! We all made friends and I was invited for a sleepover. I wasn't too sure but I packed my little case and within no time I'd decided that this was to be my new home. Mums children, although very sad, were very happy as knew it was the right thing to do for me and had my best interests at heart which was very important to them. My new family understood when at times I felt sad, cuddled me and made me feel so welcome. Even my new furbro, Jack allowed me to share his toys. I have my own now by the way, and particularly enjoy snoozing in the chair as you can see in my photo! I am so happy and I know that my new family absolutely adore me. It was meant to be as by co-incidence a colleague of my new Dad, knew Mum and the children and had already told Dad about me as knew how much they already loved Jack. I even have a Twitter boyfriend, his name is Tibs who is a Lhasa Apso and you can read his adoption story on the Pet Adoption UK Happy Endings page too. Love Lucy x



I am Dexter, a Beagle Harrier. I was originally from Wales, and was rescued by Chilterns Dog Rescue Society as a small pup.

At my first home someone accidentally left a door or gate open and I escaped, ran into the road and had an accident with a car. It was a glancing blow apparently and I now have a very manly scar on my rear right leg, it doesn't hurt me. They decided to return me to CDRS as I was so energetic and with young children they did not want me to escape again. Finally I met my Mum and Dad in December 2013 when I was about two-two and a half and have been living in Buckinghamshire (squirrel watching paradise) ever since.

They have taken the time to show me the right things to do and I have calmed down hugely since I have been here. I know this is my forever home now, I have taken almost a year to settle in properly but now I couldn't wish for anything better. Mum and Dad both look after me, with long walks and plenty of zooming around my very large (Dexter escape proof) garden in a bid to try and tire me out. Because of my breed, I am different and more boisterous than other breeds. I am also stubborn and loved to pull on the lead. This has however been tamed significantly and I am now learning that sometimes I can go and explore and sometimes I need to stay at heel. I am not allowed off the lead outside in the big world for my own safety as I have been known to run off - I once escaped from the park for three hours. We are brilliant to have around, but we need dedication, patience and understanding. And don't expect any toy to last longer than 5-10 minutes! This is me relaxing in my favourite chair - I have no idea why this photo makes everyone smile, they could have chosen one where I am looking suave and sophisticated!

Louie and Ella


Hi my name is Louie the Westie! I was found wandering the streets in August 2013 and taken to the dog pound. I wondered what was going to happen to me when Finding Furever Homes took me to stay with my foster Mum Elaine who was looking after another Westie, so I had a friend to play with. My new Mum very sadly had lost both her husband and her dog in a short space of time when a friend told her about me. She took me for a walk and we had lots of cuddles – it was love at first sight! She was worried that she might be too old to adopt me but passed the home check whilst the vet (who thought I was about 5 years old) treated my abscess and my “little boy” op. Shortly after that Mum came to collect me and take me to my new home! I'm now such a happy little boy, I love my toys, treats, and walks in a huge park very near my house but most of all I love cuddles with Mum. I have a lovely red tartan coat to wear in the cold (handy to see me in the snow BOL), have gained weight and don’t resemble the shy, timid boy I was to the confident one I am now all because Mum chose to adopt me. My best friend is Ella a Dogue de Bordeaux (Mums daughters dog) she is much bigger than me but so gentle as you will see in our photo and I just love playing with her!

Daisy and Archie the Labrador


My name is Daisy and I am a Cockapoo, approximately one year old. I was adopted from Battersea Dogs and Cats home in March 2013. My new Mum was really surprised that there was a breed like me in a rescue centre and my new vet was also astonished I was a rescue Cockapoo! Battersea were excellent and couldn't have been more helpful and I'm thankful that they helped me find my new home. I now live with a black Labrador called Archie who was desperately lonely after his Labrador companion sadly died and it's as if I have been here forever! I settled in instantly and bonded with Archie straight away. Mum says that I am very intelligent and have come on in leaps and bounds in the short time I have been here. I have now started attending dog training classes and I only have to be told something once and I "get" it - well treats are involved normally so that helps! The picture is me snuggled up with my brother Archie who kindly lets me share his basket (I have my own!). Both our lives have changed since I arrived and so please next time you are looking for a pet think about all the animals who are in animal rehoming centres just waiting to be given a new home just like I was. My Mum is Sky Sports News Presenter, Alex Hammond, and you can read about why she chose to adopt me here Read more...



I was born in Wales in August 2003 and along with the rest of my litter we were taken to Dogs Trust Bridgend when we were 5 weeks old where they made sure we were well fed and looked after. After a few weeks my litter brother and I were transferred to Dogs Trust Snetterton to find new homes. One day a lady came to see us, she met my brother first then asked to meet me. It was me she fell for, she said she wanted to give me my forever home, provided her dog, Whisper, approved. Whisper was very big even though he was only 9 months older than me but I wasn't scared as he was very friendly and we really hit it off. That day I met my best mate for the very first time. About 10 days later I went home to Essex, with my new human and big brother. I was 10 weeks old. There were lots of new things to see and lots to learn, especially not to chase the cat. Whisper and I used to play all the time and once I was allowed to go out it was even better. Our human would take us over the fields or to the beach or to the woods, and sometimes we'd go out for the day exploring new places. Whisper hurt his legs in 2006, so I had to learn to play more gently with him, and he couldn't play chase or wrestle much anymore, even so we still had fun. Sadly Whisper went OTRB in September 2012, I still miss him loads. My human and I still go for lots of lovely walks together, last week I had my 10th birthday and we went on a picnic, I got some treats and a new toy. This is my birthday photo! We have been looking to find another dog to share our lives for some time, but have had to wait as I had to recover from a cruciate operation, this time I'm hoping for a sister.



Hi my name is Bailey the Shih Tzu. I was picked up by a kind Dog Warden as an elderly stray in London, underweight, with poorly eyes and matted fur and was taken to the local pound. Who would want me? I went to stay with a lovely foster family where I had a fluffy basket, collar and lead all of my own and a cupboard full of food and two cats and another Shih Tzu called Louis to play with in the garden! I had some infections whilst settling in and the VET discovered that I had Cushings Disease which they give me tablets for. My foster Mum then decided that she was going to be my forever Mummy and I have been living with her for five months now and we spend most of our time together! My health is good for a dog of nearly 10 and I have a lovely life with Mummy, Nanny, Louis and my cat-mates Dillon and Daisy. I have been chipped and chopped so I can enjoy the autumn of my life in retirement in the Essex countryside!

Susie-Belle and Twinkle

Susie-Belle and Twinkle

Well, here we are, Susie-Belle and Twinkle the Miniature Schnauzers and we are both ex-puppy farm breeding bitches. We now live the life that we should always have been living; loved, cared for, fed a fabulous daily diet of gourmet delights and never have to worry or go without anything we want, ever again. We spend half our time in a calm, quiet, comfy home in Surrey and the other half in France, where we get to explore beautiful countryside and sample French canine gourmet delights to our hearts content! Mum says that we are truly special dogs who, through our own bravery, have learned to trust those who will now love and care for us for the rest of our lives. We are pictured here with our big “sister” Renae who helps to look after us, Renae is sitting upright, then next to her is Twinkle and then last, but not least, me, Susie-Belle!

Billy and Blake

Billy and Blake

We are Billy (Whippet cross) & Blake (Boxer SBT cross). We were both at Islay Dog Rescue in Cumnock but didn`t know each other. We were looked after very well, but didn’t have a Mum and Dad of our own. Then one day a family came to see us, we met them and each other at the centre and got on really well. Imagine our surprise a few days later when we got taken out in the van and arrived at a house and the family we had met were there. They looked pleased to see us and we were pleased to see them! Inside they had new beds and toys for us which made us both very happy. Later we all went for a long walk to the nearby country park which is great and now we go every morning and at night we go in the car to a big park where dad throws tennis balls for us to chase. We have new friends too, Socks the cat lives with us and next door we have a Schnauzer and a Dachshund too. Our days are full of fun and our nights are spent cuddled up on the couch together just like in our photo. They have made us really happy and I think we`ve made them very happy too.



In January 2012, when I was approximately 5 months old, a very bad human deliberately tied me to a railway line in North London and I was hit by a train. The impact severed off most of my tail and critically injured my rear left leg. I managed to stagger away and hid for around 5 days. I was rescued by the RSPCA who tried to save my leg but there was too much infection. As a result, in order to save my life the vets at the RSPCA Harmsworth Memorial Hospital had to amputate my leg and tail. After such an awful start in life and just six weeks after my operation my new Mummy found out about me through Dogs & Kisses and UKGSR and in February 2012 I moved in with her, Daddy and my “Little Buddy” Owen who has a condition called Schwartz Jampel Syndrome. On March 10th 2013 we were finalists in Crufts Friends for Life and am proud to say that we won! I have had the most amazing painting done and been visited by Marc Abrahams the television vet so am waiting for the Papawrazzi to start following me! You can find out more about us on my (proud ears!) Facebook page and watch our video’s and interviews and hope that you will enjoy reading all about our life together.



I am a spaniel and from six months of age I was re-homed being an unwanted pet; I had never worn a collar, walked on a lead, learned any commands, indeed I had never left the garden. I quickly settled into my forever home with my Mommy & there a whole new wonderful world opened up for me. When I was four years old I was trained by Support Dogs UK to help Mommy and was on their stand at Crufts on the 9th & 10th of March 2013. I am now "retired" and living with Mommy still and we have been joined by her new fully trained Support Dog called Essi, a Labrador, and so I have a "little" brother which is lovely. 



Doris came to live with us in May 2010 from the Blue Cross, Thirsk. She had been picked up by the dog warden as a stray and when nobody claimed her she went up for rehoming. When they took her in she had a number of nasty looking growths, including one the size of a tennis ball above her back leg. All were removed and thankfully all were benign. They estimated her age at around 8 but obviously we have no idea. she had clearly lived in a house before and has been trained. We had been looking for an older dog that didn't need too much training or walking, and ideally wanted a Labrador. We couldn't believe our luck when she popped up on the website and went to meet her immediately. Of course it was love at first sight and she came home with us a couple of weeks later. She settled in almost immediately and made herself at home. Her favourite things are eating (well she is a lab!), jumping in muddy puddles and having her belly rubbed.



Hello, my name's Buster and I'm a rescue boy. I went straight from mum to my first home because they wanted a cute labrador puppy and they gave me lots of fuss. They lost interest when I grew up and became a bit more boisterous - they didn't have time to give me the attention or walks that I needed. So I became very naughty and started to be quite destructive - doors, floors, toys ... anything was worth chewing. Eventually they realised I need a new home with a family who could give me more time and took me to Wood Green where my new family spotted me straight away! They realised that all I needed was some TLC and plenty of walks. They are foster carers so I think they understand what it's like to need a new family. I got them trained very quickly and life is now wonderful - we have lots of walks together, plenty to keep me busy and oodles of fuss. I am one very happy 'pup'.

Wood Green logo

“It is stories like Buster's that make the job worthwhile. Happily, we get quite a few at Wood Green and I can see our staff glow when we hear that a pet is really happy in its new loving home.”

Dennis Baker OBE - Wood Green, The Animals Charity




We collected Coco from Birmingham Dogs Home on October 4th 1989. She was a special dog for us from the word go. She had been found walking the streets, pregnant with 9 pups and stayed in the home until her pups were old enough to have a forever home. We were told she was about 2 years old. We called her Coco after Coco Chanel because we thought she had a poor start in life so we would give her a celebrity name. Coco did agility and thoroughly enjoyed herself living with our other dogs at the time a German Shepherd Dog, a Labrador and a Border Collie until she went over the rainbow bridge in December 1999.



Hi! My name is Sheridan and I live in Northumberland with my two best horsey pals and some chickens.  I came to live with my Mum in November 2009 from the Blue Cross.  I had to live at the Blue Cross for a while as I wasn’t happy in my previous home, but then Mum came along and we were a perfect match!  I’m still a bit nervous but Mum helps me cope and we do all sorts of things together.  Our favourite is dressage and we compete at Novice level with British Dressage.  There are lots of horses (and other animals!) like me who are looking for a new home through no fault of our own so you could be like my Mum who wanted to adopt rather than buy because she thought I deserved a second chance.

Blue Cross logo

“Sheridan is typical of the many horses Blue Cross is asked to take in, rehabilitate and find new homes for every year. Sadly, the number of horses requiring the support of Blue Cross is on the increase, not least because of the high numbers being bred which have little or no realistic chances of being sold. The net result is that they end up abandoned or given up into the care of charities like Blue Cross. Thankfully for Sheridan, we were there when needed and found him the new and forever home he deserved.”

Steve Goody, Deputy Chief Executive, Blue Cross



Well this is me, Holly Bobbins and I will be 5yrs old on 9th August 2013. I live with my humum, hudad and my bro fur Harry in Northamptonshire. How did I get to be where I am now? Well I was bred for racing but turns out I wasn't any good as a pup, I am one of the lucky ones though and my breeder sent me off for rehoming! To cut a long story short in March 2011, I, along with my kennel mate Rolo, found ourselves being cared for by Dogs Trust, Kenilworth Mum and Dad lost their other rescue dog in March of the same year and Mum didn't last very long before she decided the house was too empty without a dog. She had always said to dad that she wanted their next dog to be a greyhound, because we is just brilliant pets, but dad wasn't so sure. Around mid April Mum and Dad had been out for the day and were coming home via Kenilworth and decided to pop in and see what dogs were up for rehoming. I was in one of the 'display' kennels that day along with a couple of other black hounds. Mum and Dad stopped at my kennel and I was at the back but as soon as I saw them I pushed my way to the front and started to lick and paw at the glass. This sparked dads interest so they asked if they could take me out in the run, so I went out and spent time showing dad what a fantastic girl I was and he should take me home. Mum finally asked dad the all important question...'what do you think of having a greyhound then?'.....Dads answer... 'How can we reserve her?'

I arrived at my forever home on 1st May 2011 and my name was changed to Holly. Now I have been joined by Harry who became my bro fur after we adopted him from Barley Kennels and we have all been a happy family ever since. The irony of me having been a failed "racing" greyhound is that my Dad works for a multi world championship winning Formula 1 racing team!

“Dogs Trust cares for around 16,000 dogs a year. Every dog that is rehomed is important but reading stories such as Holly’s, whose owners have clearly taken her to their hearts, is incredibly uplifting”

Clarissa Baldwin CBE - Trustee - Dogs Trust

dogs trust logo




This is Tibs who came to live with us in March 2012 when he was 22 months old. Tibs is a Lhasa Apso with a heart as big as a lion's and a temperament as gentle as a lamb's. He makes the sun shine in our hearts every day and we can't imagine life without him. He settled in beautifully with Bonnie, our Westie and now life is double the welcome home tail wags and double the love we feel in our hearts. Bonnie and Tibs adore each other and do everything together whether it is the vets, groomers or zooming in the meadow. Tibs has his forever home with us and we will be forever grateful he chose us to live with.



We have had Riley 2 years now and adopted him from Border Collie Trust GB in Staffordshire. He came to us with some issues due to being found as a stray and possibly beaten. He was transported from Ireland.

We loved him the moment we first saw him. He was very sad and his tail certainly wasn't wagging. He didn't really eat much either.

2 years on, he's put on weight, learnt how to play and now his tail doesn't stop wagging! Adopting Riley was the best thing we ever did. He is a different dog now, found his voice! Everyone who meets him comments on what a happy boy he is and we are so proud.

BCTGB logo

“Riley (above) is a much happier lad now, a great example of the difference that can be made.”

It is also great to hear how well Spud (below) is doing in his new home."

Border Collie Trust GB

Spud and Floss

Spud and Floss

Spud (on the left in the photo) came to us from Border Collie Trust GB with an estimated age of 2. He is friendly and very very lively! He came over from Ireland apparently and is unremittingly enthusiastic and loving.

Floss was from the Labradoodle Trust and was initially fostered by us. She was 11 months old and well aware of her beauty! She adopted us and is very loving and affectionate.



Hello, my name is Bilbo the bunny and I want to share my Hoppy (!) Ending with you. When I was a baby I lived with a lovely family who loved me lots, but when I was 7 and a half they moved and could no longer keep me. I was then adopted by my new mummy and 18 months later I am still there and I have found my forever home! I am an indoor bunny now and get to run around the whole flat. I have a litter tray that I use all the time. I like to eat hay (good for my tummy), pellets (for all round vitamins and fibre) and also daily greens (curly kale is my favourite). I get occasional treats of coriander or dandelion leaves and sometimes a carrot. I have lots of toys so I don't get bored and tunnels to run through. I am lucky because I am a healthy bunny with a warm home and a loving human. Now over to mummy for a quick word:

Hi there, this is Bilbo's human here: I fell totally in love with Bilbo on the first day she came to live with me, she is so loving and comes running to greet me when I come through the door. She is a brilliant pet as she is litter trained. Her daily antics make me smile and I'd recommend a bunny rabbit to anyone. Just make sure you read up about bunnies first as they are more like having a cat or dog than a gerbil and you need to have a good vet who knows about rabbits in case they get sick.



By timely coincidence Lucy arrived from LRSEC on our wedding anniversary in 2010 and is our best ever gift! We were puzzled why a half bottle of shampoo was included in her luggage but soon found out her favourite thing is to woogle in fox poo or run into muddy water. We suspect Lucy wanted to be a black Lab and on occasions has come pretty close. We have been so lucky with Lucy who settled with us straight away. Lucy is very sociable and has introduced us to lots of other dogs and owners. Her best friend is a St Bernard called Ben and we regularly have coffee on our walk and have become good friends with Bens people. Lucy has a regular hydro swim which she enjoys especially if there is an audience! She is not so keen on the purple equa fleece we put her in after! Lucy takes us to fun agility and fully participates in the fun part considering agility secondary to any fox poo potential! We have tried Flyball and a very clever Lucy worked out the ball was behind the box so that was easier than pressing your paws on the pedal! Lucy loves her fury toys and has accumulated quite a collection as she never damages them. She loves her cousin Caley (see her adoption Happy Ending below) especially when they can chase round the garden or play ball. All we know of Lucy's history is that her owners circumstances changed so they could not exercise her enough. We have to work hard to keep her weight down as food is definitely her most favourite thing and can result in a lack of recall if there is a BBQ left at the park. Lucy enjoys basking in pools and playing ball on beach holidays. Lucy is always well behaved when we go to eat in a pub on holiday. We cannot imagine life without her!



This is Caley, she came from the RSPCA, Kings Lynn we fell in love with her as soon as we saw her eyes which would melt the hardest of hearts. "When Mum first took me to the vet I was about 4kgs underweight, two good meals a day soon solved that problem and I now weigh a healthy 20kgs. I love being down the field with Mum and this is a photo of me running with one of my toys - I am getting so much better. I love playing with my cousin Lucy who is also adopted and her story is above. Last Christmas was my first one in my new home and I got a present from Santapaws!"

Rosie and Tessa

Rosie and Tessa

This is me Rosie (on the left) and my sisfur, Tessa (on the right). We were adopted after stealing our parents hearts at the rescue home. Tessa was adopted in 2006 and I came along in 2009 and we were both about 1 year old at the time. Mum found me about a week after her 17 year old dog died. All three of us were adopted from Birmingham Dogs Home. We got on very well together straight away and Tessa adapted to me very quickly (I err being a bit more pushy than her!). There have been some ups and downs as we didn't have the best puppyhood. My parents have been patient and taught us the correct behaviour and manners. But we are the best things our parents ever did. We have been so loving and grateful for the second chance at happiness. How could you live without us?!!!



Reilly - or to give him his full title, Sir Reilly Bob of Plods End came to Border Collie Trust GB having originally been found as a stray. The rescue concerned rehomed him but 12 months later he was returned as the owners felt they didn't have time for him. With options limited for the rescue they asked for help from the Trust. His previous 12 months had been spent running up and down a garden chasing vehicles as they drove past, so he was a bit mixed up. Having just lost a collie, Border Collie Trust GB Trustees, Ben & Sue Wilkes offered a home to Reilly and he now spends his days keeping all the dogs and people under careful control at the centre. Does he still chase traffic? Very rarely, just to make sure he hasn't forgotten how, every now and again!!



Hi my name was Hamish and I was a Tibetan Terrier. I was officially adopted in December 2010 when I was nearly 9.5 years old. I soon made the red leather chair my head viewing and sleeping quarters as it gave me a great view of the garden and next doors cat! I had my own toy basket and my favourite one was a soft dog toy which looked a bit like me! My favourite food was chicken, oh yes I could smell chicken being cooked no matter where I was and position myself in the kitchen to see if I could be of any help. I became ill in January 2012 and was diagnosed as diabetic. Mum learnt how to give me my twice daily injections with the help of my lovely Vet. Thankfully Mum took out "oldie" pet insurance when she adopted me and I had the best treatment possible. However I had to have surgery to remove a growth in the February and died in March. Although it was incredibly sad that I was only in my new home for 14 months I was loved and am deeply missed as I was such a character. So please don't overlook older dogs like me. All they need is to be loved, go for walks (I loved the park for my daily walk and Westonbirt Arboretum at the weekends), have lots of cuddles and food! Oh and did I mention chicken and treats?  



Beautiful Ellie was  an ex puppy farm breeding bitch and came to us from Many Tears Animal Rescue at age around 6 or 7 years old. She had pretty weak legs but they soon strengthened with exercise. Mentally she took a little more work and rewarded us with her loving personality.

Who could resist those wonderful eyes... We have had three ex puppy farm breeding bitches and you can read about Tilly and Mollie below. Please also see Where's Mum? from television vet, author and creator of Pupaid, Marc Abraham.



This is out first rescue. "Tilly" came to us at 6/7 years old. She was a puppy farm breeding bitch past her best!! She was very scruffy with poor neglected eyes but turned into the most beautiful loving pet. Unfortunately she was only with us 18 months as her poor heart just gave out.

We still miss her so much...



I was 5/6 years old and yet again, like Ellie and Tilly, an ex puppy farm breeding bitch with a desperate need to bond with a loving human. I was a very sad scrawny figure of a dog with a desperate need to be loved. I have turned into a busy, happy, loving little soul and physically stronger than any one thought in the beginning. If anyone is in any doubt about rescuing a dog please don't worry it is most rewarding for both human and dog...


Cookie and Timmy

Cookie and 5 other little staffie pups were brought in to North Clwyd Animal Shelter (NCAR) where I work on 11th May 2008 in a little pink washing basket. So after lots of nurturing we adopted Cookie. I must say she is a fantastic dog, very hyper but very loving, she is now 5 yrs old and still not calming down, but we love her all the same. She now enjoys life with our other dog Poppy a Jack Russell x who we also adopted from NCAR and Timmy the cat, again adopted from NCAR, we did have another dog which sadly passed away last Christmas. Cookie is so loved now and enjoys sleeping in bed with us at night (literally head on the pillow, duvet over her), plenty of walks, lots of love and many holidays in the motorhome exploring the UK.




It's me Lexie and I am a Border Terrier! When I was a pup I was given as a Christmas present. Before I was six months old ma pelvis an ma toes were broken and I had a pretty miserable existence. At 8 months old Mum an Dad did rescoo me and I am very appy livin a lovely life wiv swimming, walkin, runnin, playin and avin fun. This is a pic of me doin ma favourite fing (apart from sleeping) wot dus be playin tug wiv Mum. Well dat is me and I am eight years old now!




Rufus is a Dalmation puppy. Originally found as a stray he was brought in by a member of public to the Cheshire site of Manchester and Cheshire Dogs Home. The staff at Cheshire Dogs Home which is where I adopted him from, originally thought he was totally deaf although it turns out he is only partially deaf. He is an incredibly clever puppy, quickly picking up his house training, sit and stay all with the use of hand signals. He has a special vibration collar which lets him know when to look at us and then we can give him the hand signals to let him know what we need.



My name is Arnie and I am 10 years old. I found myself wanting a new home because my old owners both died and I was in the house. None of the family wanted me and so one of our neighbours asked the Labrador Lifeline Trust if they would help me. Before I knew what was happening I was in a foster home and my diet had changed significantly. I was told that I was very overweight – well I only weighed 50 kgs and I am a big chap, however gone were the days of my tinned luncheon meat and I had a special food which took time for me to get used to. I was soon found a new home and I have settled down here well, even tolerating the cat. I go for reasonably long walks now and enjoy them. I am one very happy dog and adore my new owners.

Labrador Lifeline

“We were very glad to be able to help Arnie to find a new home that has given him a new lease of life after what must have been a sad time for him”

Anne Carter, Labrador Lifeline Trust



Hi. My name is Baby. About 4 yrs ago I was minding my own business at the RSPCA Wirral when in came this pathetic vision of a human. Skinny, pale and pretty runty I realised that under that padded coat was a thumbed one that I could manipulate to do my bidding. With this in mind I heaved my glorious self out of bed & said “Pick me up”. As I thought, she did my bidding, so I purred, patted her down for Dreamies and moved to my new home about 5 days later. I settled in right away and have refused to eat unless she sits with me, ever since.



Tarn came to the Trust as a failed working dog. He preferred to spend his time chatting to the farm animals about the rising cost of animal feed rather then helping the farmer get the sheep to market. He was very much a people dog as well and loved nothing better than spending time with anyone who would give him the time. The farmer felt he had more to offer in a home and asked for help from the Trust. He subsequently found a lovely fireplace to enjoy with a couple who had all the time in the world to spend with him. Tarns natural good looks have seen him appear in many publications, helping to spread the word of the work of Border Collie Trust GB.



Hi. My name is Jess. I’m about 6 or 7 and my story is a familiar one. I was picked up by the dog warden, as a stray, when I was maybe 18 months old. The dog warden took me to the local pound and, being the happy collie I am, this didn’t bother me at all. I got my furever home pretty quickly and settled in super. My hobbies include tennis balls, tuggies, chasing squirrels (for their own cardiovascular health) and running. Oh and “sniffing” the cat litter tray… Good to meet you!